DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2009 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.
Measurement Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- FeatureAnisotropy2D
- Measure the anisotropy in a labeled region
- FeatureBendingEnergy
- Undocumented measurement function
- FeatureCenter
- Measure the object's center
- FeatureChainCodeBendingEnergy
- Undocumented measurement function
- FeatureDescriptionFree
- Free a Feature Description
- FeatureDescriptionGetDescription
- Get the description of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionGetLabels
- Get the labels of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionGetName
- Get the name of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionGetUnits
- Get the Units of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionNew
- Allocate a new FeatureDescription
- FeatureDescriptionSetDescription
- Set the description of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionSetDimensionLabels
- Label set convenience function
- FeatureDescriptionSetLabel
- Set the name of a particular feature label
- FeatureDescriptionSetLabels
- Set the labels of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionSetName
- Set the name of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionSetUnits
- Set the units of a described feature
- FeatureDimension
- Measure the object's dimensions
- FeatureExcessKurtosis
- Undocumented measurement function
- FeatureFeret
- Measure the object's Feret diameters
- FeatureGinertia
- Measure the object's inertia
- FeatureGmu
- Measure the object's inertia
- FeatureGravity
- Measure the object's gravity
- FeatureInertia
- Measure the object's inertia
- FeatureLongestChaincodeRun
- Undocumented measurement function
- FeatureMass
- Measure the mass of the object (sum of grey-values)
- FeatureMaximum
- Measure the object's maximum coordinate value
- FeatureMaxVal
- Measure the object's maximum intensity
- FeatureMean
- Measure the object's mean intensity
- FeatureMinimum
- Measure the object's minimum coordinate value
- FeatureMinVal
- Measure the object's minimum intensity
- FeatureMu
- Measure the object's inertia
- FeatureOrientation2D
- Undocumented measurement function
- FeatureP2A
- Measure the circularity of the object
- FeaturePerimeter
- Measure the object's perimeter length
- FeatureShape
- Measure shape parameters of the object
- FeatureSize
- Measure the object's size
- FeatureSkewness
- Undocumented measurement function
- FeatureStdDev
- Measure the standard deviation of the object's intensity
- FeatureSum
- Measure the sum of the grey values of the object
- FeatureSurfaceArea
- Measure the area of the object's surface
- GetObjectLabels
- Lists object labels in image
- Label
- Label a binary image
- Measure
- Measure object features
- MeasurementFeatureConvert
- Convert the data of a measurement feature
- MeasurementFeatureDescription
- Measurement Description access function
- MeasurementFeatureFormat
- Feature data format convenience function
- MeasurementFeatureLabels
- Measurement Labels access function
- MeasurementFeatureRegister
- Register a measurement function
- MeasurementFeatureRegistryFeatureDescription
- Get the feature description of a registered measurement feature
- MeasurementFeatureRegistryGet
- Get the registry information of a measurement feature
- MeasurementFeatureRegistryList
- Obtain a list of the registered measurement features
- MeasurementFeatures
- Get the measurement ID array
- MeasurementFeatureSize
- Feature data convenience function
- MeasurementFeatureValid
- Verify a measurement feature ID
- MeasurementForge
- Allocate the data of a measurement data structure
- MeasurementFree
- Free a measurement data structure
- MeasurementGetName
- Get the name of a Measurement structure
- MeasurementGetPhysicalDimensions
- Get the physical dimensions info of a measurement
- MeasurementID
- Get the ID of a Measurement structure
- MeasurementIsValid
- Checks whether a measurement is valid
- MeasurementNew
- Create new measurement data structure
- MeasurementNumberOfFeatures
- Get the number of measurement feature IDs
- MeasurementNumberOfObjects
- Get the number of object IDs
- MeasurementObjectData
- Object data access function
- MeasurementObjects
- Get an object ID array
- MeasurementObjectValid
- Verify an object ID
- MeasurementObjectValue
- Object value access function
- MeasurementSetName
- Set the name of a measurement structure
- MeasurementSetPhysicalDimensions
- Set the physical dimensions info of the measurement
- MsrComposeFunction
- Measurement compose function
- MsrConvertFunction
- Measurement convert function
- MsrCreateFunction
- Measurement create function
- MsrDescriptionFunction
- Measurement feature description function
- MsrMeasureFunction
- Measurement measure function
- MsrValueFunction
- Measurement value function
- ObjectToMeasurement
- Convert object label value to measurement value
- PhysicalDimensionsCopy
- Copy a Physical Dimensions
- PhysicalDimensionsFree
- Free a Physical Dimensions data structure
- PhysicalDimensionsIsIsotropic
- Checks if the Physical Dimensions are isotropic
- PhysicalDimensionsNew
- Allocates a new Physical Dimensions structure
- SmallObjectsRemove
- Remove small objects from an image
DIPlib on-line documentation | Function reference | Global function index