DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2009 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Measurement compose function

WARNING: this documentation page is outdated!


#include "dip_measurement.h"

dip_Error (*dip_MsrComposeFunction) ( measurement, featureID, label, intensity, compositeFeatureID, resources )


The compose function is called to obtain a list of measurement features. These features are than measured before the MsrMeasureFunction of this composite feature function is called. The compose function is called after the MsrCreateFunction.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_MeasurementmeasurementMeasurement data structure
dip_intfeatureIDMeasurement feature function ID
dip_ImagelabelImage with pixel intensities represending object IDs
dip_ImageintensityImage containing corresponding intensity values
dip_IntegerArray *compositeFeatureIDPointer to an integer array containing the the IDs of the measurement features this function requires
dip_ResourcesresourcesResources tracking structure. See ResourcesNew


dip_MsrRegistry structure MeasurementFeatureRegister, MsrCreateFunction, MsrMeasureFunction, MsrValueFunction, MsrConvertFunction, MsrDescriptionFunction

DIPlib on-line documentation | Function reference | Global function index