DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2009 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.

dip_MsrRegistry structure

WARNING: this documentation page is outdated!

The dip_MsrRegistry structure contains the following elements:

Data typeNameDescription
dip_intidThe ID of the measurement function
dipf_MsrFunctionTypetypeThe type of the function that performs the measurement
dip_MsrCreateFunctioncreateThe measurement create function, see MsrCreateFunction
dip_MsrComposeFunctioncreateThe measurement compose function, see MsrComposeFunction
dip_MsrMeasureFunctionmeasureThe measurement measure function, see MsrMeasureFunction
dip_MsrValueFunctionvalueThe measurement value function, see MsrValueFunction
dip_MsrConvertFunctionlabelsThe measurement labels function, see MsrConvertFunction
dip_MsrDescriptionFunctiondescriptionThe measurement description function, see MsrDescriptionFunction
dip_intiterationsThe number of iterations on the data the measurement measure function requires

The id of the measurement function should be unique, and can easily be obtained using GetUniqueNumber.

The type element specifies on which data format of the object labels the measurement measure function performs its measurement. The following types of measure functions are currently supported:

DIP_MSR_FUNCTION_LINE_BASEDMeasurement is performed on a line by line basis
DIP_MSR_FUNCTION_IMAGE_BASEDMeasurement is performed having access to complete object label and intensity images
DIP_MSR_FUNCTION_CHAINCODE_BASEDMeasurement is performed on object's chaincode
DIP_MSR_FUNCTION_COMPOSITEMeasurement is performed using the result of other measurements

The iterations element of dip_MsrRegistry specifies how many times the measurement measure function should be called (sequentially) to perform its measurement. This feature is not yet supported, all functions are called once.


MeasurementFeatureRegister, MsrCreateFunction, MsrMeasureFunction, MsrValueFunction, MsrConvertFunction, MsrDescriptionFunction

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