Measure the circularity of the object
#include "dip_measurement.h"
dip_int dip_FeatureP2AID ( void )
dip_FeatureP2AID returns the ID value of this measurement function, that is registered by Initialise.
This function is a composite measurement function, that uses FeatureSize, FeaturePerimeter, and FeatureSurfaceArea to determine the circularity of an object by calculating: 2D: P2A = perimeter^2 / (4Pi * size) 3D: P2A = surface-area^1.5 / (6 Sqrt(Pi) * size).
Measure, FeatureSize, FeatureCenter, FeatureGravity, FeatureMass, FeatureStdDev, FeatureMaximum, FeatureMinimum, FeatureMaxVal, FeatureMinVal, FeaturePerimeter, FeatureSurfaceArea, FeatureFeret, FeatureMass, FeatureInertia, FeatureShape
DIPlib on-line documentation | Function reference | Global function index