DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2009 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Measurement Labels access function


#include "dip_measurement.h"

dip_Error dip_MeasurementFeatureLabels ( measurement, featureID, labels, resources )


The MeasurementObjectData, MeasurementObjectValue, MeasurementObjectFormat, MeasurementFeatureLabels, and MeasurementFeatureDescription functions provide access to the functions that are registered by each measurement function. See also MeasurementFeatureRegister. This function gives access to an array of strings containing labels for the measurement values of the measurement function specified with featureID. When, for example, a measurement function produces a number of measurement values equal to the dimemsionality of the label image (see Measure), the number of labels will be equal to the dimensionality as well.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_MeasurementmeasurementMeasurement data structure
dip_intfeatureIDMeasurement function ID
dip_StringArray *labelsPointer to an array of labels of the specified measurement function
dip_ResourcesresourcesResources tracking structure. See ResourcesNew


MeasurementNew, MeasurementForge, MeasurementFeatureGetSize, MeasurementFeatures, MeasurementFeatureValid, MeasurementFeatureDescription, MeasurementObjectGetSize, MeasurementObjects, MeasurementObjectValid, MeasurementObjectData, MeasurementObjectValue, MeasurementObjectFormat

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