Global Function Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Abs
- Arithmetic function
- Acos
- trigonometric function
- AdaptiveBanana
- Performs Gaussian filtering steered by paramter images
- AdaptiveGauss
- Performs Gaussian filtering steered by paramter images
- AdaptivePercentile
- Performs Percentile filtering steered by paramter images
- Add
- arithmetic function
- AddComplex
- arithmetic function
- AddFloat
- arithmetic function
- And
- logic operation
- AreaOpening
- Morphological filter
- ArrayFree
- Array free function
- ArrayNew
- Array allocation function
- Asin
- trigonometric function
- Atan
- trigonometric function
- Atan2
- arithmetic function
- AttenuationCorrection
- Attenuation correction algorithm
- BesselJ0
- mathematical function
- BesselJ1
- mathematical function
- BesselJN
- mathematical function
- BesselY0
- mathematical function
- BesselY1
- mathematical function
- BesselYN
- mathematical function
- BiasedSigma
- Adaptive edge sharpening & contrast enhancing filter
- BinaryClosing
- Binary morphological closing operation
- BinaryDilation
- Binary morphological dilation operation
- BinaryErosion
- Binary morphological erosion operation
- BinaryImageToPixelTable
- Convert a binary image to a pixel table
- BinaryNoise
- Generates an image disturbed by binary noise
- BinaryOpening
- Binary morphological opening operation
- BinaryPropagation
- Morphological propagation of binary objects
- BinaryRandomVariable
- Binary random variable generator
- BooleanArrayCopy
- Copy an array
- BooleanArrayFind
- Find value in array
- BooleanArrayFree
- Array free function
- BooleanArrayNew
- Array allocation function
- BoundaryArrayFree
- Array free function
- BoundaryArrayNew
- Array allocation function
- Canny
- Edge detector
- Ceil
- Arithmetic function
- ChainCodeArrayFree
- Chain code array deallocation
- ChainCodeArrayNew
- Chain code array allocation
- ChainCodeFree
- Chain code object deallocation
- ChainCodeGetChains
- Chain code access function
- ChainCodeGetConnectivity
- Chain code access function
- ChainCodeGetFeret
- Chain code measurement function
- ChainCodeGetLabel
- Chain code access function
- ChainCodeGetLength
- Chain code measurement function
- ChainCodeGetLongestRun
- Chain code measurement function
- ChainCodeGetRadius
- Chain code measurement function
- ChainCodeGetSize
- Chain code access function
- ChainCodeGetStart
- Chain code access function
- ChainCodeNew
- Chain code object allocation
- ChangeDataType
- Change the data type of an image
- ChangeDimensions
- Changes the order of the dimensions in an image
- ChangeTo0d
- Make an image zero dimensional
- ChordLength
- Compute the chord lengths of the different phases
- CityBlockDistanceToPoint
- Distance generation function
- Clip
- Point operation
- Closing
- Morphological closing operation
- Colour2Gray
- Convert ND image with colour information to a (n-1)D grayvalue image (in dipIO)
- Compare
- Compare grey values in two images
- ComplexArrayCopy
- Copy an array
- ComplexArrayFind
- Find value in array
- ComplexArrayFree
- Array free function
- ComplexArrayNew
- Array allocation function
- ContrastStretch
- Point operation
- ConvertArray
- converts the data type of an array
- ConvertDataType
- Converts the data type of an image
- Convolve1d
- Perform a 1D convolution
- ConvolveFT
- Fourier transform--based convolution filter
- CoordinateArrayFree
- Array free function
- CoordinateArrayNew
- Array allocation function
- CoordinateToIndex
- Convert coordinate to pixel index
- Cos
- trigonometric function
- Cosh
- trigonometric function
- Crop
- Remove the outer parts of an image
- CrossCorrelationFT
- Normalized cross-correlation using the Fourier
- CumulativeSum
- statistics function
- DanielsonLineDetector
- Line detector
- DataTypeAllowed
- Check whether a data type is allowed
- DataTypeArrayCopy
- Copy an array
- DataTypeArrayFind
- Find value in array
- DataTypeArrayFree
- Array free function
- DataTypeArrayNew
- Array allocation function
- DataTypeGetInfo
- Get information about a data type
- Derivative
- Derivative filter
- Dgg
- Second order derivative filter
- Dilation
- Local maximum filter
- dip__PixelGetFloat
- Midlevel PixelIO function
- dip__PixelGetInteger
- Midlevel PixelIO function
- dip__PixelSetFloat
- Midlevel PixelIO function
- dip__PixelSetInteger
- Midlevel PixelIO function
- DirectedPathOpening
- Morphological filter
- DistributionSort
- Sort a block of data
- DistributionSortIndices
- Sort indices to block of data
- DistributionSortIndices16
- Sort indices to a block of data
- Div
- arithmetic function
- DivComplex
- arithmetic function
- DivFloat
- arithmetic function
- EdgeObjectsRemove
- Remove binary edge objects
- EllipticDistanceToPoint
- Distance generation function
- Equal
- Compare grey values in two images
- Erf
- mathematical function
- Erfc
- mathematical function
- ErfClip
- Point Operation
- Erosion
- Local minimum filter
- error.h
- Contains error messages
- ErrorFree
- Free a DIPlib call tree
- EuclideanDistanceToPoint
- Distance generation function
- EuclideanDistanceTransform
- Euclidean distance transform
- EuclideanSkeleton
- binary skeleton operation
- Exit
- Clean up before exiting
- Exp
- arithmetic function
- Exp10
- arithmetic function
- Exp2
- arithmetic function
- ExponentialFitCorrection
- Exponential fit based attenuation correction
- ExtendRegion
- Image manipulation functions
- FeatureAnisotropy2D
- Measure the anisotropy in a labeled region
- FeatureBendingEnergy
- Undocumented measurement function
- FeatureCenter
- Measure the object's center
- FeatureChainCodeBendingEnergy
- Undocumented measurement function
- FeatureChainCodeFunction
- Measurement feature #measure function
- FeatureComposeFunction
- Measurement feature #compose function
- FeatureCompositeFunction
- Measurement feature #measure function
- FeatureConvertFunction
- Measurement feature #convert function
- FeatureCreateFunction
- Measurement feature #create function
- FeatureDescriptionFree
- Free a Feature Description
- FeatureDescriptionFunction
- Measurement feature #description function
- FeatureDescriptionGetDescription
- Get the description of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionGetLabels
- Get the labels of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionGetName
- Get the name of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionGetUnits
- Get the Units of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionNew
- Allocate a new FeatureDescription
- FeatureDescriptionSetDescription
- Set the description of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionSetDimensionLabels
- Label set convenience function
- FeatureDescriptionSetLabel
- Set the name of a particular feature label
- FeatureDescriptionSetLabels
- Set the labels of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionSetName
- Set the name of the described feature
- FeatureDescriptionSetUnits
- Set the units of a described feature
- FeatureDimension
- Measure the object's dimensions
- FeatureExcessKurtosis
- Undocumented measurement function
- FeatureFeret
- Measure the object's Feret diameters
- FeatureGinertia
- Measure the object's inertia
- FeatureGmu
- Measure the object's inertia
- FeatureGravity
- Measure the object's gravity
- FeatureImageFunction
- Measurement feature #measure function
- FeatureInertia
- Measure the object's inertia
- FeatureLineFunction
- Measurement feature #measure function
- FeatureLongestChaincodeRun
- Undocumented measurement function
- FeatureMass
- Measure the mass of the object (sum of grey-values)
- FeatureMaximum
- Measure the object's maximum coordinate value
- FeatureMaxVal
- Measure the object's maximum intensity
- FeatureMean
- Measure the object's mean intensity
- FeatureMinimum
- Measure the object's minimum coordinate value
- FeatureMinVal
- Measure the object's minimum intensity
- FeatureMu
- Measure the object's inertia
- FeatureOrientation2D
- Undocumented measurement function
- FeatureP2A
- Measure the circularity of the object
- FeaturePerimeter
- Measure the object's perimeter length
- FeatureRadius
- Measure the object's radius statistics
- FeatureShape
- Measure shape parameters of the object
- FeatureSize
- Measure the object's size
- FeatureSkewness
- Undocumented measurement function
- FeatureStdDev
- Measure the standard deviation of the object's intensity
- FeatureSum
- Measure the sum of the grey values of the object
- FeatureSurfaceArea
- Measure the area of the object's surface
- FeatureValueFunction
- Measurement feature #value function
- FillBoundaryArray
- Fill the border of array according to the boundary condition
- FindShift
- Estimate the shift between images
- FiniteDifference
- A linear gradient filter
- FiniteDifferenceEx
- A linear gradient filter
- FloatArrayCopy
- Copy an array
- FloatArrayFind
- Find value in array
- FloatArrayFree
- Array free function
- FloatArrayNew
- Array allocation function
- Floor
- Arithmetic function
- FourierTransform
- Computes the Fourier transform
- Fraction
- Arithmetic function
- FrameWorkProcessArrayFree
- Array free function
- FrameWorkProcessArrayNew
- Array allocation function
- FTBox
- Generates the Fourier transform of a box
- FTCross
- Generates the Fourier transform of a cross
- FTCube
- Generates the Fourier transform of a cube
- FTEllipsoid
- Generates Fourier transform of a ellipsoid
- FTGaussian
- Generates the Fourier transform of a Gaussian
- FTSphere
- Generated Fourier transform of a sphere
- GaborIIR
- Infinite impulse response filter
- Gauss
- Gaussian Filter
- GaussFT
- Gaussian Filter through the Fourier Domain
- GaussianNoise
- Generate an image disturbed by Gaussian noise
- GaussianRandomVariable
- Gaussian random variable generator
- GaussianSigma
- Adaptive Gaussian smoothing filter
- GaussIIR
- Infinite impulse response filter
- GeneralConvolution
- Genaral convolution filter
- GeneralisedKuwahara
- Generalised Kuwahara filter
- GeneralisedKuwaharaImproved
- Generalised Kuwahara filter
- Get
- Get a pixel value
- GetComplex
- Get complex pixel value
- GetFloat
- Get float pixel value
- GetInteger
- Get integer pixel value
- GetLibraryInformation
- Support function
- GetLine
- Get a line from an image
- GetMaximumAndMinimum
- statistics function
- GetObjectLabels
- Lists object labels in image
- GetRank
- Value selection function
- GetSlice
- Get a slice from an image
- GetUniqueNumber
- Obtain an unique value
- GlobalBoundaryConditionGet
- Get global Boundary Conditions
- GlobalBoundaryConditionSet
- Set global boundary conditions
- GlobalFilterShapeGet
- Get global filter shape value
- GlobalFilterShapeSet
- Set the global filter shape value
- GlobalGaussianTruncationGet
- Get the global gaussian truncation
- GlobalGaussianTruncationSet
- Set the global gaussian truncation
- GradientDirection2D
- Derivative filter
- GradientMagnitude
- Derivative filter
- Greater
- Compare grey values in two images
- GreyValuesInPixelTable
- Copy greyvalues from image in pixel table
- GreyWeightedDistanceTransform
- Grey weighted distance transform
- GrowRegions
- Dilate the regions in a labelled image
- GrowRegionsWeighted
- Grow labelled regions using grey-weighted distances
- HartleyTransform
- Computes the Hartley transform
- HasContiguousData
- Determines whether an image has all data contiguous in memory
- HasNormalStride
- Determines whether an image has a normal stride
- HysteresisThreshold
- Point Operation
- IDivergence
- difference measure
- ImageArrayFree
- Array free function
- ImageArrayNew
- Array allocation function
- ImageAssimilate
- Inherit properties of another image
- ImageChainCode
- Extracts all chain codes from a labeled image
- ImageCheckBooleanArray
- Check a boolean array
- ImageCheckBoundaryArray
- Check a boundary array
- ImageCheckComplexArray
- Check a complex array
- ImageCheckFloatArray
- Check a float array
- ImageCheckIntegerArray
- Check an integer array
- ImageCopyProperties
- Copy the properties of an image
- ImageFileGetInfo
- Get information about image in file (in dipIO)
- ImageFileInformationFree
- Free a Image File Information structure (in dipIO)
- ImageFileInformationNew
- Allocate an Image File Information structure (in dipIO)
- ImageForge
- Allocate pixel data for an image
- ImageFree
- Free an image
- ImageGetData
- Get the data pointers of a set of images
- ImageGetDataType
- Read the data type field
- ImageGetDimensionality
- Read the dimensionality field
- ImageGetDimensions
- Read the dimensions array
- ImageGetPlane
- Read the plane number
- ImageGetStride
- Read the stride array
- ImageGetType
- Read the type field
- ImageIsGIF
- Confirm that a file is a GIF file (in dipIO)
- ImageIsICS
- Confirm that a file is an ICS file (in dipIO)
- ImageIsJPEG
- Confirm that a file is a JPEG file (in dipIO)
- ImageIsLSM
- Confirm that a file is a Zeiss LSM file (in dipIO)
- ImageIsTIFF
- Confirm that a file is a TIFF file (in dipIO)
- ImageNew
- Allocate a structure
- ImageRead
- Read grey-value image from file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadColour
- Read colour image from file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadCSV
- Read comma-separated values from file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadCSVInfo
- Get information about image in comma-separated values file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadGIF
- Read a GIF image from file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadGIFInfo
- Get information about image in GIF file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadICS
- Read ICS image from file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadICSInfo
- Get information about image in ICS file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadJPEG
- Read JPEG image from file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadJPEGInfo
- Get information about image in JPEG file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadLSM
- Read Zeiss LSM image from file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadLSMInfo
- Get information about image in LSM file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadPIC
- Read BioRad PIC image from file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadPICInfo
- Get information about image in BioRad PIC file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadROI
- Read a portion of a grey-value image from file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadTIFF
- Read TIFF image from file (in dipIO)
- ImageReadTIFFInfo
- Get information about image in TIFF file (in dipIO)
- ImagesCheck
- Check properties of several images
- ImagesCheckTwo
- Check properties of two images
- ImagesCompare
- Compare properties of several images
- ImagesCompareTwo
- Compare properties of two images
- ImageSetDataType
- Set the data type field
- ImageSetDimensions
- Set the dimensions array
- ImageSetType
- Set the image type field
- ImageSort
- Sort image data
- ImageSortIndices
- Sort indices to image data
- ImagesSeparate
- Take care of in-place operations
- ImageStrip
- Restore an image to its initial ("raw") state
- ImageWrite
- Write grey-value image to file (in dipIO)
- ImageWriteColour
- Write colour image to file (in dipIO)
- ImageWriteCSV
- Write image to a comma-separated-value file (in dipIO)
- ImageWriteEPS
- Write image to Encapsulated PostScript file (in dipIO)
- ImageWriteFLD
- Write image to AVS field file (in dipIO)
- ImageWriteGIF
- Write image to a GIF file (in dipIO)
- ImageWriteICS
- Write ICS image to file (in dipIO)
- ImageWriteJPEG
- Write JPEG image to file (in dipIO)
- ImageWritePS
- Write image to PostScript file (in dipIO)
- ImageWriteTIFF
- Write TIFF image to file (in dipIO)
- Imaginary
- Arithmetic function
- IncoherentOTF
- Generates an incoherent OTF
- IncoherentPSF
- Generates an incoherent PSF
- IndexToCoordinate
- Convert pixel index to coordinate
- IndexToCoordinateWithSingletons
- Convert pixel index to coordinate
- Initialise
- Initialise DIPlib
- InsertionSort
- Sort a block of data
- InsertionSortIndices
- Sort indices to a block of data
- InsertionSortIndices16
- Sort indices to a block of data
- IntegerArrayCopy
- Copy an array
- IntegerArrayFind
- Find value in array
- IntegerArrayFree
- Array free function
- IntegerArrayNew
- Array allocation function
- Invert
- logic operation
- IsodataThreshold
- Point operation
- IsScalar
- Determines whether an image is a scalar
- Kuwahara
- Edge perserving smoothing filter
- KuwaharaImproved
- Edge perserving smoothing filter
- Label
- Label a binary image
- Laplace
- Second order derivative filter
- LaplaceMinDgg
- Second order derivative filter
- LaplacePlusDgg
- Second order derivative filter
- Lee
- Morphological edge detector
- Lesser
- Compare grey values in two images
- Ln
- arithmetic function
- LnGamma
- mathematical function
- LnNormError
- difference measure
- LocalMinima
- Marks local minima (or regional minima)
- Log10
- arithmetic function
- Log2
- arithmetic function
- macros.h
- Various macros
- Map
- Remaps an image
- Max
- arithmetic function
- MaxFloat
- arithmetic function
- Maxima
- Detects local maxima
- Maximum
- statistics function
- mBesselJ0
- mathematical function
- mBesselJ1
- mathematical function
- mBesselJN
- mathematical function
- mBesselY0
- mathematical function
- mBesselY1
- mathematical function
- mBesselYN
- mathematical function
- Mean
- statistics function
- MeanAbsoluteError
- difference measure
- MeanError
- difference measure
- MeanModulus
- statistics function
- MeanSquareError
- difference measure
- MeanSquareModulus
- statistics function
- Measure
- Measure object features
- MeasurementFeatureConvert
- Convert the data of a measurement feature
- MeasurementFeatureDescription
- Measurement Description access function
- MeasurementFeatureFormat
- Feature data format convenience function
- MeasurementFeatureRegister
- Register a measurement function
- MeasurementFeatureRegistryFeatureDescription
- Get the feature description of a registered measurement feature
- MeasurementFeatureRegistryFeatureNeedsIntensityImage
- Checks whether the measurement function needs an intensity image
- MeasurementFeatureRegistryGet
- Get the registry information of a measurement feature
- MeasurementFeatureRegistryList
- Obtain a list of the registered measurement features
- MeasurementFeatures
- Get the measurement ID array
- MeasurementFeatureSize
- Feature data convenience function
- MeasurementFeatureValid
- Verify a measurement feature ID
- MeasurementForge
- Allocate the data of a measurement data structure
- MeasurementFree
- Free a measurement data structure
- MeasurementGetName
- Get the name of a Measurement structure
- MeasurementGetPhysicalDimensions
- Get the physical dimensions info of a measurement
- MeasurementID
- Get the ID of a Measurement structure
- MeasurementIsValid
- Checks whether a measurement is valid
- MeasurementNew
- Create new measurement data structure
- MeasurementNumberOfFeatures
- Get the number of measurement feature IDs
- MeasurementNumberOfObjects
- Get the number of object IDs
- MeasurementObjectData
- Object data access function
- MeasurementObjects
- Get an object ID array
- MeasurementObjectValid
- Verify an object ID
- MeasurementObjectValue
- Object value access function
- MeasurementRead
- Read measurement results from a file
- MeasurementSetName
- Set the name of a measurement structure
- MeasurementSetPhysicalDimensions
- Set the physical dimensions info of the measurement
- MeasurementToHistogram
- Creats a histogram for a measurement
- MeasurementToImage
- Exports the data in a measurement structure to an image
- MeasurementWrite
- Write measurement results to a file
- MeasurementWriteCSV
- Write measurement results to a CSV file
- MeasurementWriteHTML
- Write measurement results to an HTML file
- MeasurementWriteText
- Write measurement results as readable text
- Median
- statistics function
- MedianFilter
- Non-linear smoothing filter
- MemoryCopy
- Copy memory blocks
- MemoryFree
- Free a chunk of memory
- MemoryFunctionsSet
- Sets memory allocation functions
- MemoryNew
- Allocate and track memory
- MemoryReallocate
- Reallocate a chunk of memory
- mErf
- mathematical function
- mErfc
- mathematical function
- mExp10
- mathematical function
- mExp2
- mathematical function
- mFraction
- mathematical function
- mGammaP
- mathematical function
- mGammaQ
- mathematical function
- Min
- arithmetic function
- MinFloat
- arithmetic function
- Minima
- Detects local minima
- Minimum
- statistics function
- Mirror
- Mirrors an image
- mLnGamma
- mathematical function
- mLog2
- mathematical function
- mNearestInt
- mathematical function
- Modulo
- Arithmetic function
- Modulus
- Arithmetic function
- MonadicFrameWork
- FrameWork for monadic operations
- MorphologicalGradientMagnitude
- Morphological edge detector
- MorphologicalRange
- Morphological edge detector
- MorphologicalReconstruction
- Morphological filter
- MorphologicalSmoothing
- Morphological smoothing filter
- MorphologicalThreshold
- Morphological smoothing filter
- mReciprocal
- mathematical function
- mSign
- mathematical function
- mSinc
- mathematical function
- mTruncate
- mathematical function
- Mul
- arithmetic function
- MulComplex
- arithmetic function
- MulFloat
- arithmetic function
- MultiScaleMorphologicalGradient
- Morphological edge detector
- NearestInt
- Arithmetic function
- NeighbourIndicesListMake
- Get indices to direct neighbours
- NeighbourListMake
- Get list of direct neighbours
- NeighbourListMakeChamfer
- Get list of neighbours based on Chamfer metric
- NeighbourListMakeImage
- Get list of neighbours based on metric in image
- NeighbourListToIndices
- Get indices to neighbours
- NormaliseSum
- Normalise the sum of the pixel values
- NotEqual
- Compare grey values in two images
- NotGreater
- Compare grey values in two images
- NotLesser
- Compare grey values in two images
- NotZero
- Point Operation
- ObjectToMeasurement
- Convert object label value to measurement value
- OneDimensionalSearch
- Numerical algorithm
- Opening
- Morphological opening operation
- Or
- logic operation
- ovl.h
- Call an overloaded function
- PaintBox
- Paint a box
- PaintDiamond
- Paint a diamond-shaped object
- PaintEllipsoid
- Paint an ellipsoid
- PairCorrelation
- Compute the pair correlation function
- PathOpening
- Morphological filter
- Percentile
- statistics function
- PercentileFilter
- Rank-order filter
- Phase
- Arithmetic function
- PhysicalDimensionsCopy
- Copy a Physical Dimensions
- PhysicalDimensionsFree
- Free a Physical Dimensions data structure
- PhysicalDimensionsIsIsotropic
- Checks if the Physical Dimensions are isotropic
- PhysicalDimensionsNew
- Allocates a new Physical Dimensions structure
- PixelHeapFree
- Destroy heap structure
- PixelHeapIsEmpty
- Query heap
- PixelHeapNew
- Create a new heap structure
- PixelHeapPop
- Pop item onto heap
- PixelHeapPush
- Push item onto heap
- PixelQueueFree
- Destroy queue structure
- PixelQueueIsEmpty
- Query queue
- PixelQueueNew
- Create a new queue structure
- PixelQueuePop
- Pop item from queue
- PixelQueuePush
- Push item onto queue
- PixelTableAddRun
- Add a new run to a pixel table
- PixelTableCreateFilter
- Create a pixel table from a filter shape
- PixelTableFrameWork
- FrameWork for PixelTable filters
- PixelTableGetDimensionality
- Get the dimensionality of a pixel table
- PixelTableGetDimensions
- Get the dimemsions of a pixel table
- PixelTableGetOffsetAndLength
- Converts the pixel table's runs
- PixelTableGetOrigin
- Get the origin of the pixel table
- PixelTableGetPixelCount
- Get the number of pixels encoded in the pixel table
- PixelTableGetRun
- Get the contents of a pixel table run
- PixelTableGetRuns
- Get the number of runs in a pixel table
- PixelTableGetSize
- The number of pixels in the pixel table's bounding box
- PixelTableNew
- Allocate a new pixel table
- PixelTableSetRun
- Initialises a pixel table run
- PixelTableShiftOrigin
- Changes the origin of the pixel table
- PixelTableToBinaryImage
- Convert a pixel table to a binary image
- PoissonNoise
- Generate an image disturbed by Poisson noise
- PoissonRandomVariable
- Poisson random variable generator
- ProbabilisticPairCorrelation
- Compute the probabilistic pair correlation function
- PseudoInverse
- Image restoration filter
- PutLine
- Put a line in an image
- PutSlice
- Put a slice in an image
- QuickSort
- Sort a block of data
- QuickSortAnything
- Sort data of any type
- QuickSortIndices
- Sort indices to a block of data
- QuickSortIndices16
- Sort indices to a block of data
- RadialMaximum
- statistics function
- RadialMean
- statistics function
- RadialMinimum
- statistics function
- RadialSum
- statistics function
- RandomSeed
- Initialise random number generator
- RandomSeedVector
- Initialise random number generator
- RandomVariable
- Random number generator
- RangeThreshold
- Point Operation
- Real
- Arithmetic function
- Reciprocal
- arithmetic function
- Register
- Generic registry function
- RegisterClass
- Register a registry class
- RegistryArrayNew
- Allocate a registry array
- RegistryGet
- Get a registry item
- RegistryList
- Get an array of registry IDs
- RegistryValid
- Validate an registry item
- Resampling
- Interpolation function
- ResourcesFree
- Free resources
- ResourcesMerge
- Add one resource list to another
- ResourcesNew
- Allocate a resource tracking structure
- ResourceSubscribe
- Track a resource
- ResourceUnsubscribe
- Stop tracking a resource
- RootMeanSquareError
- difference measure
- Rotation
- Interpolation function
- Rotation3d
- Interpolation function
- Rotation3d_Axis
- Interpolation function
- ScalarImageNew
- Allocate a scalar image
- ScanFrameWork
- FrameWork for scanning multiple images
- SeededWatershed
- Morphological segmentation
- Select
- Configurable selection function
- SelectValue
- Point Operation
- SeparableConvolution
- FrameWork for separable convolution filters
- SeparableFrameWork
- FrameWork for separable filters
- Set
- the value of a pixel
- SetComplex
- Set a pixel value
- SetFloat
- Set a pixel value
- SetInteger
- Set a pixel value
- Sharpen
- Enhance an image
- Shift
- an image manipulation function
- Sigma
- Adaptive uniform smoothing filter
- Sign
- Arithmetic function
- SimulatedAttenuation
- Simulation of the attenuation process
- Sin
- trigonometric function
- Sinc
- mathematical function
- SingleOutputFrameWork
- FrameWork for generation functions
- SingularValueDecomposition
- Singular value decomposition
- Sinh
- trigonometric function
- Skewing
- Interpolation function
- SmallObjectsRemove
- Remove small objects from an image
- SobelGradient
- A linear gradient filter
- Sort
- Sort a block of data
- SortAnything
- Sort data of any type
- SortCompareFunction
- Typedef for comparison function (sorting)
- SortIndices
- Sort indices to a block of data
- SortIndices16
- Sort indices to a block of data
- SortSwapFunction
- Typedef for swap and copy function (sorting)
- Sqrt
- arithmetic function
- StablePixelHeapFree
- Destroy heap structure
- StablePixelHeapIsEmpty
- Query heap
- StablePixelHeapNew
- Create a new heap structure
- StablePixelHeapPop
- Pop item onto heap
- StablePixelHeapPush
- Push item onto heap
- StandardDeviation
- statistics function
- StringAppend
- Append a string to another
- StringArrayCopy
- Copy a string array
- StringArrayFree
- Array free function
- StringArrayNew
- Allocate an array of strings
- StringCat
- Concatenate two strings
- StringCompare
- Compare two strings
- StringCompareCaseInsensitive
- Compare two strings without minding case
- StringCopy
- Copy a String
- StringCrop
- Crop a string
- StringFree
- Free a string
- StringNew
- Allocate a string
- StringReplace
- Replace the contents of one string with that of another
- StructureTensor2D
- Two dimensional Structure Tensor
- Sub
- arithmetic function
- SubComplex
- arithmetic function
- SubFloat
- arithmetic function
- SubpixelLocation
- Gets coordinates of an extremum with sub-pixel precision
- SubpixelMaxima
- Gets coordinates of local maxima with sub-pixel precision
- SubpixelMinima
- Gets coordinates of local minima with sub-pixel precision
- Subsampling
- Interpolation function
- Sum
- statistics function
- SumModulus
- statistics function
- Tan
- trigonometric function
- Tanh
- trigonometric function
- TensorImageInverse
- Invert tensor image
- TestObjectAddNoise
- TestObject generation function
- TestObjectBlur
- TestObject generation function
- TestObjectCreate
- TestObject generation function
- TestObjectModulate
- TestObject generation function
- Threshold
- Point Operation
- TikhonovMiller
- Image restoration filter
- TikhonovRegularizationParameter
- Determine the value of the regularisation parameter
- TimerGet
- Timing functions
- TimerSet
- Timing functions
- Tophat
- Morphological high-pass filter
- tpi.h
- Type iterator
- Truncate
- Arithmetic function
- UnderscoreSpaces
- Replace spaces with underscores
- Uniform
- Uniform filter
- UniformNoise
- Generate an image disturbed by uniform noise
- UniformRandomVariable
- Uniform random variable generator
- Unregister
- Remove a registry item
- UpperEnvelope
- Upper envelope transform (a flooding and an algebraic closing)
- Variance
- statistics function
- VarianceFilter
- Sample Variance Filter
- VectorDistanceTransform
- Euclidean vector distance transform
- VoidPointerArrayCopy
- Copy an array
- VoidPointerArrayFind
- Find value in array
- VoidPointerArrayFree
- Array free function
- VoidPointerArrayNew
- Array allocation function
- Watershed
- Morphological segmentation
- WeightedAdd
- arithmetic function
- WeightedDiv
- arithmetic function
- WeightedMul
- arithmetic function
- WeightedSub
- arithmetic function
- Wiener
- Image Restoration Filter
- Wrap
- Wrap an image
- Xor
- logic operation