Measure the area of the object's surface
#include "dip_measurement.h"
dip_int dip_FeatureSurfaceAreaID ( void )
dip_FeatureSurfaceAreaID returns the ID value of this measurement function, that is registered by Initialise.
This function measures the area of a 3D object's surface using six-connected boundary voxels.
If any physical dimensions are passed to this function through Measure, only the sample distance along the first dimension are used. All other dimensions are assumed to be sampled the same way. This produces incorrect results for anisotropically sampled images.
J.C. Mullikin and P.W. Verbeek (1993), "Surface area estimation of digitized planes.", bioimaging 1(1): 6-16.
FeatureDimension, FeatureSize, FeatureCenter, FeatureGravity, FeatureMaximum, FeatureMinimum, FeatureFeret, FeatureMaxVal, FeatureMinVal, FeatureMean, FeatureStdDev, FeatureSum, FeatureMass, FeaturePerimeter, FeatureP2A, FeatureShape, FeatureSurfaceArea, FeatureAnisotropy2D, FeatureInertia, FeatureGinertia, FeatureMu, FeatureGmu, FeatureBendingEnergy, FeatureChainCodeBendingEnergy, FeatureExcessKurtosis, FeatureLongestChaincodeRun, FeatureOrientation2D, FeatureSkewness