DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Undocumented measurement function


This measurement function is undocumented and not meant for public use.

NOTE: this function uses chain codes. It expects each measured object to be compact, that is, to have only one chain code. Additional chain codes are ignored, meaning that non-compact objects are not measured properly. Take care in providing the correct connectivity value: if you object is compact only with 2-connectivity, this measure will fail if you call Measure with a value of 1 for the connectivity.


FeatureAnisotropy2D, FeatureBendingEnergy, FeatureCenter, FeatureChainCodeBendingEnergy, FeatureConvexArea, FeatureConvexPerimeter, FeatureConvexity, FeatureDimension, FeatureExcessKurtosis, FeatureFeret, FeatureGinertia, FeatureGmu, FeatureGravity, FeatureInertia, FeatureLongestChaincodeRun, FeatureMass, FeatureMaxVal, FeatureMaximum, FeatureMean, FeatureMinVal, FeatureMinimum, FeatureMu, FeatureOrientation2D, FeatureP2A, FeaturePerimeter, FeatureRadius, FeatureShape, FeatureSize, FeatureSkewness, FeatureStdDev, FeatureSum, FeatureSurfaceArea