DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Measurement feature #measure function


#include "dip_measurement.h"

dip_Error (*dip_FeatureLineFunction) ( measurement, featureID, label,intensity, size, objectID, dim, iterations )


The line measure function obtains two arrays (label and intensity) with label and intensity information of the objects to be measured. The line measurement function is called for every line in the image (the scan dimension is determined at run time to be optimal). Since label can contain more than one different label, line itself is responsible for storing the measurement results for the appropriate object (using, for example, MeasurementObjectData). The object ID array label can contain values that are not present in objectID. These labels should be ignored.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_MeasurementmeasurementMeasurement data structure
dip_intfeatureIDMeasurement function ID
dip_sint32 *labelPointer to a list (image line) of object IDs
dip_float *intensityPointer to a list of corresponding intensity values
dip_intsizeSize of the label and intensity list
dip_IntegerArrayobjectIDArray of objectIDs to be measured
dip_intdimDimension of the line, see ScanFrameWork
dip_intiterationsNumber of iterations the measure function needs to scan the line


MeasurementFeatureRegister, FeatureImageFunction, FeatureChainCodeFunction, FeatureConvHullFunction, FeatureCompositeFunction, FeatureCreateFunction