DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Measurement feature #measure function


#include "dip_measurement.h"

dip_Error (*dip_FeatureImageFunction) ( measurement, featureID, label, intensity, objectID, iterations )


The image measurement function is meant for measurement operation that need neighborhood or global object shape information for its operation (e.g. the FeatureSurfaceArea function needs to evaluate the 6 connected neighborhood of each boundary voxel). The object ID image label can contain values that are not present in objectID. These labels should be ignored.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_MeasurementmeasurementMeasurement data structure
dip_intfeatureIDMeasurement function ID
dip_ImagelabelImage with pixel intensities represending object IDs
dip_ImageintensityImage containing corresponding intensity values
dip_IntegerArrayobjectIDArray of objectIDs to be measured
dip_intiterationsNumber of iterations the measure function needs to scan the image


MeasurementFeatureRegister, FeatureLineFunction, FeatureChainCodeFunction, FeatureConvHullFunction, FeatureCompositeFunction, FeatureCreateFunction