DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2013 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Allocate an array of strings


#include "dip_string.h"

dip_Error dip_StringArrayNew ( array, size, stringSize, init, resources )


This function allocates an array of strings. size specifies the size of the array, stringSize the size of the individual strings, which are allocated too. If StringSize is zero, and init is not, the strings in the array are initialised with init (in size and content). If both stringSize and init are zero, strings of zero length are created. (see StringNew).


Data typeNameDescription
dip_StringArray *arrayPointer to the array
dip_intsizeSize of the array
dip_intstringSizeSize of the strings
char *initInitialisation string
dip_ResourcesresourcesResources tracking structure. See ResourcesNew


StringArrayFree, StringArrayCopy

ArrayNew, IntegerArrayNew, FloatArrayNew, ComplexArrayNew, BoundaryArrayNew, FrameWorkProcessArrayNew, DataTypeArrayNew, ImageArrayNew, BooleanArrayNew, VoidPointerArrayNew, StringArrayNew, CoordinateArrayNew