DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2010 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Measure the object's Feret diameters


#include "dip_measurement.h"

dip_int dip_FeatureFeretID ( void )


dip_FeatureFeretID returns the ID value of this measurement function, that is registered by Initialise.

This function measures the Feret maximum and minimum diameters of an object. The Feret diameter are found by rotating the object's chain code. The default angle stepsize is defined by DIP_MSR_FERET_ACCURACY (set to 0.5 degrees). This measurement function supports a measurement parameter (see Measure), which is defined in dip_measurement.h. If a non-zero pointer to a dip_FeretParameters structure is supplied, the structure's stepsize parameter is used instead of the default angle stepsize. Furthermore the structure's angles boolean parameter specifies whether the angles of the Feret diameters should be measured as well. This function supports 2D images only.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_FeretParameters*feretPointer to a Feret measurement parameters structure (not yet implemented)


This function uses chain codes. It expects each measured object to be compact, that is, to have only one chain code. Additional chain codes are ignored, meaning that non-compact objects are not measured properly. Take care in providing the correct connectivity value: if you object is compact only with 2-connectivity, this measure will fail if you call Measure with a value of 1 for the connectivity.


The original code on which the current implementation is based, was donated by Gerie van der Heijden.


Measure, ImageChainCode, ChainCodeGetFeret

FeatureDimension, FeatureSize, FeatureCenter, FeatureGravity, FeatureMaximum, FeatureMinimum, FeatureFeret, FeatureMaxVal, FeatureMinVal, FeatureMean, FeatureStdDev, FeatureSum, FeatureMass, FeaturePerimeter, FeatureP2A, FeatureShape, FeatureSurfaceArea, FeatureAnisotropy2D, FeatureInertia, FeatureGinertia, FeatureMu, FeatureGmu, FeatureBendingEnergy, FeatureChainCodeBendingEnergy, FeatureExcessKurtosis, FeatureLongestChaincodeRun, FeatureOrientation2D, FeatureSkewness

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