DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2008 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Object data access function


#include "dip_measurement.h"

dip_Error dip_MeasurementObjectData ( measurement, featureID, objectID, data, verdict )


The MeasurementObjectData, MeasurementObjectValue, MeasurementObjectFormat, MeasurementFeatureLabels, and MeasurementFeatureDescription functions provide access to the functions that are registered by each measurement function. See also MeasurementFeatureRegister.

The Object data is the data allocated by a measurement function for internal purposes: for example to store intermediate results. Its format is free. Therefore, the use of this function is only meaningful for a particular measurement function itself. To access the measurement values of a measurement function, use MeasurementObjectValues. The verdict parameter provides a means to test whether featureID or objectID are valid within the context of measurement. If one of them is invalid, and verdict is not zero, *verdict is set to DIP_FALSE, otherwise its value is DIP_TRUE. If verdict is zero, MeasurementObjectData produces an error when either featureID or objectID is invalid.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_MeasurementmeasurementMeasurement data structure
dip_intfeatureIDMeasurement function ID
dip_intobjectIDObject ID
void **dataPointer to the internal measurement data pointer
dip_Boolean *verdictPointer to a boolean containing validation information


MeasurementNew, MeasurementForge, MeasurementFeatureGetSize, MeasurementFeatures, MeasurementFeatureValid, MeasurementFeatureDescription, MeasurementObjectGetSize, MeasurementObjects, MeasurementObjectValid, MeasurementObjectValue, MeasurementObjectFormat

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