Euclidean vector distance transform
#include "dip_distance.h"
dip_Error dip_VectorDistanceTransform ( in, outx, outy, outz, distance, border, method )
This function produces the vector components of the Euclidean distance transform. These are stored in the output images, one for each dimension of the input image. See the EuclideanDistanceTransform for detailed information about the parameters.
To compute the Euclidean distance from the vector compoments produced by this function, one needs to multiply each componemt with the sampling distance, square the result, sum the results for all components and take the square root of the sum.
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_Image | in | Input image |
dip_ImageArray | out | Output images |
dip_FloatArray | distance | Sampling distances |
dip_Boolean | border | Image border type |
dipf_DistanceTransform | method | Transform method |
dipf_DistanceTransform defines the following distance transform types:
Name | Description |
DIP_EDT_FAST | fastest, but most errors |
DIP_EDT_TIES | slower, but fewer errors |
DIP_EDT_TRUE | slow, uses lots of memory, but is "error free" |
DIP_EDT_BRUTE_FORCE | gives a result from which errors are calculated for the other methods. This method is extremly slow and should only be used for testing purposes. |
See EuclideanDistanceTransform
See EuclideanDistanceTransform
James C. Mullikin, adapted to DIPlib by Geert M.P. van Kempen
EuclideanDistanceTransform, GreyWeightedDistanceTransform
DIPlib on-line documentation | Function reference | Global function index