Euclidean distance transform
#include "dip_distance.h"
dip_Error dip_EuclideanDistanceTransform ( in, out, distance, border, method )
This function computes the Euclidean distance transform of an input binary image using the vector-based method as opposed to the chamfer method. This method computes distances from the objects (binary 1's) to the nearest background (binary 0's) of in and stored the result in out. The out image is a sfloat type image.
The distance parameter can be used to specify anisotropic sampling densities. If it is set to zero, the sampling density is assumed to be 1.0 along all axes.
The border parameter specifies whether the edge of the image should be treated as objects (border = DIP_TRUE) or as background (border = DIP_FALSE).
Individual vector components of the Euclidean distance transform can be obtained with the VectorDistanceTransform.
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_Image | in | Input image |
dip_Image | out | Output image |
dip_FloatArray | distance | Sampling distances |
dip_Boolean | border | Image border type |
dipf_DistanceTransform | method | Transform method |
dipf_DistanceTransform defines the following distance transform types:
Name | Description |
DIP_EDT_FAST | fastest, but most errors |
DIP_EDT_TIES | slower, but fewer errors |
DIP_EDT_TRUE | slow, uses lots of memory, but is "error free" |
DIP_EDT_BRUTE_FORCE | gives a result from which errors are calculated for the other methods. This method is extremly slow and should only be used for testing purposes. |
Danielsson, P.E. (1980). "Euclidean distance mapping." Computer Graphics and Image Processing 14: 227-248.
Mullikin, J.C. (1992). "The vector distance transform in two and three dimensions." CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing 54(6): 526-535.
Ragnemalm, I. (1990). Generation of Euclidean Distance Maps, Thesis No. 206. Licentiate thesis. Linkoing University, Sweden.
Ye, Q.Z. (1988). "The signed Euclidean distance transform and its applications." in Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Rome, 495-499.
The EDT_TRUE transform type is prone to produce an internal buffer overflow when applied to larger (almost) spherical objects. It this cases use EDT_TIES or EDT_BRUTE_FORCE instead.
The option border = DIP_FALSE is not supported for EDT_BRUTE_FORCE.
This function supports 2 and 3-dimensional images.
James C. Mullikin, adapted to DIPlib by Geert M.P. van Kempen
VectorDistanceTransform, GreyWeightedDistanceTransform
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