TestObject generation function
#include "dip_generation.h"
dip_Error dip_TestObjectBlur ( object, psf, convolved, xNyquist, testPSF )
binary, integer, float
This function blurs a testobject with a Gaussian psf, with a two dimensional in focus diffraction limited incoherent PSF or with an user-supplied PSF. The xNyquist parameter specifies the oversampling factor of the incoherent PSF and Gaussian PSF. The sigma of the Gaussian PSF is equal to 0.9 * xNyquist.
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_Image | object | Input Object Image |
dip_Image | psf | User supplied PSF |
dip_Image | convolved | Output Image |
dip_float | xNyquist | Oversampling Factor |
dipf_TestPSF | testPSF | TestPSF |
The dipf_TestPSF enumaration consists of the following flags:
Name | Description |
DIP_TEST_PSF_INCOHERENT_OTF | in-focus, diffraction limited, incoherent PSF |
DIP_TEST_PSF_USER_SUPPLIED | User supplied PSF with the psf image |
DIP_TEST_PSF_NONE | no blurring |
TestObjectCreate, TestObjectModulate, TestObjectAddNoise
DIPlib on-line documentation | Function reference | Global function index