TestObject generation function
#include "dip_generation.h"
dip_Error dip_TestObjectAddNoise ( object, noisy, background, backvalue, gaussianNoise, poissonNoise, snr, conversion, variance, random )
binary, integer, float
This function adds a mixture of Gaussian and Poisson noise to a testobject at a specified signal-to-noise ratio. The SNR is defined as the average object energy divided by the average noise power.
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_Image | object | Input Object Image |
dip_Image | noisy | Output Image |
dip_Image | background | Background Image |
dip_float | backvalue | Constant Background Value |
dip_float | gaussianNoise | Relative Amount of Gaussian Noise |
dip_float | poissonNoise | Relative Amount of Poisson Noise |
dip_float | snr | Signal to Noise Ratio |
dip_float * | conversion (0) | Pointer to the Poisson Conversion Factor |
dip_float * | variance (0) | Pointer to the Gaussian Variance |
dip_Random * | random | Pointer to a random value structure |
TestObjectCreate, TestObjectModulate, TestObjectBlur
DIPlib on-line documentation | Function reference | Global function index