Gaussian Filter through the Fourier Domain
#include "dip_linear.h"
dip_Error dip_GaussFT ( in, out, sigmas, order, truncation )
binary, integer, float, complex
Fourier Domain implementation of a Gaussian convolution filter and Gaussian derivative convolution filters. The Gaussian kernel in the Fourier Domain is cut off at the equivalent of truncation times sigmas. If truncation is smaller or equal to 0, it is cut off where the argument to exp is smaller than -50, as in FTGaussian.
The order parameter may be zero, in which case no derivatives are taken.
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_Image | in | Input |
dip_Image | out | Output |
dip_FloatArray | sigmas | Sigma of Gaussian |
dip_IntegerArray | order (0) | Order of Derivative along each dimension |
dip_float | truncation | Truncation of Gaussian kernel |
See sections 9.4, "Smoothing operations", and 9.5, "Derivative-based operations", in "Fundamentals of Image Processing".
General information about convolution
DIPlib on-line documentation | Function reference | Global function index