Generates the Fourier transform of a Gaussian
#include "dip_generation.h"
dip_Error dip_FTGaussian ( output, sigma, volume, cutoff )
Output: sfloat, scomplex
Generates the Fourier transform of a Gaussian with sigma's sigma. (The Fourier transform of a Gaussian, is a Gaussian.) volume is the integral of the Gaussian in the spatial domain. The cutoff variable can be used to avoid the calculation of the exponent of large negative values, which is can be very time consuming. Values of the exponent that are below cutoff yield a 0 value for the exponent. When cutoff is set to 0 or a positive value, DIP_GENERATION_EXP_CUTOFF is used (it is defined as -50).
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_Image | output | Output Image |
dip_FloatArray | sigma | Sigma of the Gaussian |
dip_float | volume | Total intensity of the Gaussian |
dip_float | cutoff | Cutoff value for the exponent |
FTEllipsoid, FTSphere, FTBox, FTCube, FTCross
DIPlib on-line documentation | Function reference | Global function index