Interpolation function
#include "dip_math.h" #include "dip_interpolation.h"
dip_Error dip_Skewing ( in, out, shear, skew, axis, method, bgval, periodicSkew )
binary, integer, float
This function skews the axis axis of in over an angle angle to out using the interpolation method method. The skew is over the centre of the image. If periodicSkew is set to DIP_TRUE, the output image will be of the same size as the input image, and its pixels in the skew dimension wrapped around the image boundaries. bgval is not used in this case.
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_Image | in | Input image |
dip_Image | out | Output image |
dip_float | shear (radians) | Shear angle |
dip_int | skew | Skew dimension |
dip_int | axis | Skew axis |
dipf_Interpolation | method | Interpolation method |
dip_BackgroundValue | bgval | Background value |
dip_Boolean | periodicSkew | Skew using periodic image boundaries |
The enumerator dip_FilterShape contains the following constants:
Name | Description |
DIP_FLT_SHAPE_DEFAULT | default structuring element, same as DIP_FLT_SHAPE_RECTANGULAR |
DIP_FLT_SHAPE_RECTANGULAR | rectangular structuring element |
DIP_FLT_SHAPE_ELLIPTIC | elliptic structuring element |
DIP_FLT_SHAPE_DIAMOND | diamond shaped structuring element |
DIP_FLT_SHAPE_PARABOLIC | parabolic structuring element |
DIP_FLT_SHAPE_STRUCTURING_ELEMENT | use se as structuring element |
The dip_BackgroundValue enumaration consists of the following flags:
Name | Description |
DIP_BGV_DEFAULT | Default: fill with zeros |
DIP_BGV_ZERO | Fill with zeros |
DIP_BGV_MAX_VALUE | Fill with maximum value for data type |
DIP_BGV_MIN_VALUE | Fill with minimum value for data type |