statistics function
#include "dip_math.h"
dip_Error dip_RadialMinimum ( in, mask, out, ps, binSize, innerRadius, center )
binary, integer, float, complex
This function computes the radial projection of the sum of the pixel intensities of in.
The radial projection is performed for the dimensions specified by ps. If the radial distance of a pixel to the center of the image is r, than the minimum of the intensities of all pixels with n * binSize <= r < (n + 1) * binSize is stored at position n in the radial dimension of out. The radial dimension is the first dimension to be processed (as specified by ps). If innerRadius is set to DIP_TRUE, the maximum radius that is projected is equal to the the smallest dimension of the to be projected dimensions. Otherwise, the maximum radius is set equal to the diagonal length of the dimensions to be processed.
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_Image | in | Input |
dip_Image | mask | Binary mask (or 0) |
dip_Image | out | Output |
dip_BooleanArray | ps | Dimensions to project (or 0) |
dip_float | binSize | Size of radial bins |
dip_Boolean | innerRadius | Maximum radius |
dip_FloatArray | center | Coordinates of center (or 0) |
RadialSum, RadialMean, RadialMaximum, Sum, Mean, Maximum, Minimum