DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Pop item onto heap


#include "dip_pixelqueue.h"

dip_Error dip_StablePixelHeapPop ( heap, coords, pointer, value )


Pops the next pixel from the heap. See StablePixelHeapNew for information on the heap data structure. coords is a pointer to an array of dip_ints, such as that obtained with dip_IntegerArray->array. It should have as many elements as the image dimensionality. If the stack was created with ndims set to 0, the coords pointer is ignored. coords, pointer and value can be NULL if you are not interested in either those values.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_StablePixelHeapheapThe heap structure
dip_int *coordsReceives the coordinates of the popped item
void **pointerReceives the pointer of the popped item
dip_sfloat *valueReceives the value of the popped item


StablePixelHeapNew, PixelHeapNew, PixelQueueNew, StablePixelHeapFree, StablePixelHeapPush, StablePixelHeapIsEmpty