DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Numerical algorithm


#include "dip_numerical.h"

dip_Error dip_OneDimensionalSearch ( result, min, max, tol, func, dfunc, data, searchfor )


This function implements a numerical line-search for either the minimum or zero-crossing of a function. The obejctive is searched for in the range specified by min and man with a tolerance of tol. The search methods are based on Brent's algorithm. The dfunc parameter is preparation for support of search algorithms using derivative information. This is not supported in the current implementation, and dfunc should be set to zero.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_float *resultResult value
dip_floatminMinimum value of search domain
dip_floatmaxMaximum value of search domain
dip_OneDimensionalSearchFunctiondfuncDerivative function
void *dataUser-supplied Data passed to func and dfunc
dipf_OneDimensionSearchsearchforSearch for minimum of zero-crossing