DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Allocate the data of a measurement data structure


#include "dip_measurement.h"

dip_Error dip_MeasurementForge ( measurement, featureID, objectID )


This function forges a measurement data structure, that has been created with MeasurementNew. The featureID array should contain the IDs of the features to be performed. The vadility of these IDs is checked by comparing them with the IDs of registered measurement functions (see MeasurementFeatureRegister). The objectID array contains the IDs (i.e. labels) of the objects on which the features are to be performed. (For example, the Measure function accepts as one of its arguments a label image, of which the intensity of each individual pixel represents the ID of the object to which that pixel belongs. These label values should in that case correspond to the values of objectID.)

The measurement structure can be regarded as a matrix spanned by the number of features along one axis, and the number of objects along the other. MeasurementForge allocates and initialises the internal structures to contain this matrix and the data required for each conbimation of measurement and object ID.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_MeasurementmeasurementMeasurement structure
dip_IntegerArrayfeatureIDArray of measurement function IDs
dip_IntegerArrayobjectIDArray of Object IDs


Measure, MeasurementNew, MeasurementFree, MeasurementIsValid, MeasurementFeatureRegister, MeasurementFeatureRegistryList, MeasurementFeatureRegistryGet, MeasurementFeatureRegistryFeatureDescription, MeasurementFeatureRegistryFeatureNeedsIntensityImage