DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Compare properties of two images


dip_Error dip_ImagesCompareTwo( image1, image2, condition, result )


This function compares some standard fields of two Images or performs a full comparison. The condition parameter specifies which properties should be tested. See ImagesCompare for more information. There are two modes of operation. If the result parameter is set, it is used to store the result of the comparison, a set of OR'ed dipf_ImagesCompare flags. If the result parameter is 0, an error is returned if the condition parameter and the resulting set of flags are not the same.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_Imageimage1First Image
dip_Imageimage2Second Image
dipf_ImagesCompareconditionProperties to compare. See ImagesCompare
dipf_ImagesCompare*resultResult: flags to indicate if the properties were the same. 0 indicates that an error should be returned if the requested properties do not match


ImagesCompare, ImagesCheckTwo, ImagesCheck