DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Write grey-value image to file (in dipIO)


dip_Error dipio_ImageWrite ( image, filename, physDims, format, compression )


This function writes a grey-vlaue image to a file, overwriting any other file with the same name. physDims gives physical dimensions of the image, and can be set to 0 for default values. Not all file formats are able to store physical dimensions. Get the format ID through the registry functions. See File formats recognized by dipIO for a list of currently supported formats. If format is 0, ICSv2 is used.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_ImageimageOutput image
dip_StringfilenameFile name
dip_PhysicalDimensionsphysDimsPhysical dimensions structure. See PhysicalDimensionsNew
dip_intformatID of file format
dipio_CompressioncompressionCompression method and level. See Compression methods for image files


ImageWriteColour, ImageWriteCSV, ImageWriteEPS, ImageWriteFLD, ImageWriteGIF, ImageWriteICS, ImageWritePS, ImageWriteTIFF, ImageWriteJPEG, ImageRead