DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Chain code measurement function


#include "dip_chaincode.h"

dip_Error dip_ChainCodeGetRadius ( chaincode, radius )


This function computes statistics on the radius of an object. The centre of gravity of the object's border pixels is used as the centre of the object. The distance from each border pixel to this centre is is computed. The maximum, minimum, mean and variance of these distances are returned in the radius structure, which contains the following elements:

Data typeNameDescription
dip_floatmaxMaximum object radius
dip_floatmeanMean object radius
dip_floatminMinimum object radius
dip_floatvarVariance of object radius

ChainCodeGetRadius is the function used by Measure for the FeatureRadius measurement.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_ChainCodechaincodeInput chain code
dip_CCRadius *radiusOutput measurement


ImageChainCode, ChainCodeNew, ChainCodeFree, ChainCodeGetLength, ChainCodeGetLongestRun, ChainCodeGetFeret