DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Changes the origin of the pixel table


#include "dip_pixel_table.h"

dip_Error dip_PixelTableShiftOrigin ( table, offset )


This function changes the origin of the pixel table table. By default, the origin is equal to the bounding box divided by 2 (integer divistion), meaning it is the middle pixel if the bounding box is odd in size, or the pixel to the right of the middle if it is even in size. After calling this function, the origin is equal to the previous origin plus the offset.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_PixelTabletablePixel table
dip_IntegerArrayoffsetAn offset array, to be added to the origin


Description of DIPlib's pixel tables

PixelTableNew, PixelTableSetRun, PixelTableGetRun, PixelTableAddRun, PixelTableGetRuns, PixelTableGetDimensionality, PixelTableGetDimensions, PixelTableGetSize, PixelTableGetPixelCount, PixelTableGetOffsetAndLength