DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Get information about a data type


dip_Error dip_DataTypeGetInfo( dataType, info, whatInfo )


Data typeNameDescription
dip_DataTypedataTypeThe data type to get information about
void *infoPointer to a variable to put the information in
dipf_DataTypeGetInfowhatInfoWhat information should be returned


Get information about a data type. Depending on the whatInfo flag this routine will return information about the data type through the info parameter. A pointer must be passed to this routine which must point to a variable of the proper type to contain the information which will be returned. This pointer is passed as a void pointer through the info parameter. Below is a table of the flags that determine what information is returned, the type of the variable that is used to store the information in and a description of the information that is returned.

DIP_DT_INFO_PROPSdip_DataTypePropertiesa set of flags as shown in the table below
DIP_DT_INFO_SIZEOFdip_intsizeof( data type )
DIP_DT_INFO_C2Rdip_DataTypefor complex types returns the corresponding floating point type (i.e. dip_scomplex -> dip_sfloat) for other data types returns the data type itself

The following table shows which dip_DataTypeProperties flags are set for which data types:

Data type identifier groupdata types
DIP_DT_IS_UINTunsigned integer
DIP_DT_IS_UNSIGNEDunsigned integer
DIP_DT_IS_SINTsigned integer
DIP_DT_IS_INTsigned and unsigned integer
DIP_DT_IS_INTEGERsigned and unsigned intege
DIP_DT_IS_REALinteger and floating-point
DIP_DT_IS_COMPLEXcomplex floating-point
DIP_DT_IS_SIGNEDsigned integer, floating-point and complex


DIPlib's data types