DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Allocates a new Physical Dimensions structure


dip_Error dip_PhysicalDimensionsNew ( newPhysDims, dimensionality, dims, orig, dimUnit, intensity, offset, intensUnit, resources )


This function allocates a new Physical Dimensions structure.

A physical dimensions structure contains information about the physical dimensions of the data (of dimensionality dimension) in an image. It describes the position (orig) and size (dims) of a pixel in world coordinates and physical units (dimUnits), as well as the scaling (intensity) and offset (offset) of the pixel intensity in physical units (intensUnit).

Note that the initial values assigned by this function assume an isotropic pixel size. These values can be changed within the structure generated if this is not the case.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_PhysicalDimensions *newPhysDimsPointer to a new Physical Dimensions data structure
dip_intdimensionalityDimensionality of the image
dip_floatdimsInitial value for dimensions along all axes
dip_floatorigInitial value for origin along all axes
char *dimUnitInitial value for dimensionUnits along all axes
dip_floatintensityInitial value for intensity
dip_floatoffsetInitial value for offset
char *intensUnitInitial value for intensityUnit
dip_ResourcesresourcesResources tracking structure. See ResourcesNew

The structure dip_PhysicalDimensions contains the following elements:

Data typeNameDescription
dip_FloatArraydimensionsDimensions of a pixel along each grid axis
dip_FloatArrayoriginCoordinates of the origin in physical units
dip_StringArraydimensionUnitsUnits for dimensions and origin
dip_floatintensityIntensity scaling in physical units
dip_floatoffsetOffset for intensity in physical units
dip_StringintensityUnitUnits for intensity and offset
dip_ResourcesresourcesResource tracking; all elements within this structure are tracked here


PhysicalDimensionsFree, PhysicalDimensionsCopy, PhysicalDimensionsIsIsotropic