DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Read BioRad PIC image from file (in dipIO)


#include "dipio_pic.h"

dip_Error dipio_ImageReadPIC ( image, filename, offset, roisize, sampling, info, resources )


This function reads the image in the BioRAD PIC file and puts it in image. image must be allocated before calling this function. The information stored in the file is put in info.

offset and roisize define a region of interest to be read in. The ROI is clipped to the actual image data, so it is safe to specify a ROI that is too large. sampling can be used to read in a subset of the pixels of the chosen ROI. Any or all of these three parameters can be NULL.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_ImageimageOutput image
dip_StringfilenameFile name
dip_IntegerArrayoffsetROI offset
dip_IntegerArrayroisizeROI size
dip_IntegerArraysamplingROI sampling rate
dipio_ImageFileInformation *infoFile information
dip_ResourcesresourcesResources tracking structure. See ResourcesNew


ImageRead, ImageReadROI