DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2012 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Read Zeiss LSM image from file (in dipIO)


#include "dipio_lsm.h"

dip_Error dipio_ImageReadLSM ( image, filename, offset, roisize, sampling, imInfo, resources )


This function reads the image in the Zeiss LSM file and puts it in image. image must be allocated before calling this function. Depending on the recording mode and the number of channels recorded, an image with 2 to 5 dimensions is returned. If multiple channels were recorded, they will be put along the last dimension (which can be either the third, fourth or fifth). The "stack", "time series plane" ans "time series z-scan" recording modes return a 3D image, the "time series stack" returns a 4D image, all other modes return a 2D image (including the "line" mode).

imInfo->physDims contains information on the distance between pixels. resources is only used to allocate the imInfo structure, so if imInfo is 0, resources can be 0 too.

offset, roisize and sampling define a region of interest to read in. See the comments in ImageReadROI for more information on this. Note that the channel dimension is part of this ROI.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_ImageimageOutput image
dip_StringfilenameFile name
dip_IntegerArrayoffsetROI offset
dip_IntegerArrayroisizeROI size
dip_IntegerArraysamplingROI sampling rate
dipio_ImageFileInformation*imInfoImage file information structure
dip_ResourcesresourcesResources tracking structure. See ResourcesNew


This function uses libtiff (version 3.6.1 or later), which supports the TIFF specification revision 6.0. Copyright (c)1988-1997 Sam Leffler and Copyright (c)1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.

This function uses zlib (version 1.1.4 or later). Copyright (c)1995-2002 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler


ImageRead, ImageReadROI, ImageIsLSM