DIPlib License Agreement [this document is extracted from the license page on our website: http://www.diplib.org Please check this site for the most recent version.] The Quantitative Imaging Group of the TU Delft, to be called QI, has developed and is the owner of the image processing library written in C and all related documentation known as DIPlib, hereafter called SOFTWARE. QI also developed a MATLAB toolbox for image processing based on DIPlib, known as DIPimage. DIPimage is freely available for DIPlib license holders. 1. Licenses 1.1. Source code licenses of the SOFTWARE are not available. 1.2. Non-commercial license: * A - A University license. This license is for non-commercial use by students and staff in a University research project without an industrial sponsor. Redistribution of SOFTWARE or parts thereof in any form is not permitted. This license is free. 1.3. Commercial licenses: * B1 - A single-user license. Price: 2500 Euro. * B2 - A group license. Up to 10 users in a single business unit. Price: 15000 Euro. * C - A closed redistribution license. This license gives, in addition to the no-redistribution licenses (B), the permission to use and redistribute the DIPlib library included in a commercial product, provided that the DIPlib components are neither visible to nor directly accessible by the end-user. Price: on request. * D - A full non-exclusive redistribution license. This terms of this license agreement cannot be in conflict with the other licenses (A, B, and C). Price: on request. 1.4. The commercial licenses for a non-supported computer platform may be provided on request. There will be minimum surcharge of 500 Euro. 1.5. All prices listed are exclusive BTW (value added tax). BTW in the The Netherlands is 19%. 2. Upgrades and Support 2.1. All licenses are provided on an "as is" basis without support or guarantees. 2.2. All license holders are entitled to freely download upgrades of the the SOFTWARE as they become available, up to a maximum of three years after the original purchase. 2.3. QI has the right to stop the development and distribution of the SOFTWARE at any time without prior notice to the license holders. 3. Disclaimer 3.1. The CUSTOMER acknowledges that the SOFTWARE is a research tool and that it is being supplied 'as is', without any accompanying services from QI. 3.2. QI makes no representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or that the use of the SOFTWARE will not infringe any patent or copyright. 3.3. The CUSTOMER agrees that QI shall not be held to any liability with respect to any claim by the CUSTOMER or a third party arising from or on account of the use of the SOFTWARE or redistribution of the SOFTWARE. QI shall not be liable for any special indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the licensed rights granted hereunder. 3.4. QI cannot be held to any liability with respect to errors in the SOFTWARE or damage caused by correct or incorrect use of the SOFTWARE. 4. Copyrights 4.1. The SOFTWARE is build with several external libraries (gif, ics, jpeg, tiff and zlib). The licenses of these libraries expressly permit the embedding in commercial and non-commercial applications. They do require to mention the copyright with the application. For each library, the copyright file is included with the distribution of SOFTWARE: * gif_license.txt * ics_license.txt * jpeg_license.txt * tiff_license.txt * zlib_license.txt Request license A University license (license A) can be obtained following the instructions on our website: http://www.diplib.org/download You can then immediately download the software. For other licenses (license B, C or D), please send an e-mail to license@diplib.org -- The DIPlib team, 17 March 2010