Initialises a pixel table run
#include "dip_pixel_table.h"
dip_Error dip_PixelTableSetRun ( table, run, coordinate, length )
This function initialises the runth run of the pixel table table, by setting the run's coordinate to coordinate and its length to length. The pixel table must at least consist of run number of runs ans has to be allocated (using PixelTableNew).
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_PixelTable | table | Pixel table |
dip_int | run | The run to be initialised |
dip_IntegerArray | coordinate | Coordinate of the run |
dip_int | length | Length of the run |
Description of DIPlib's pixel tables
PixelTableNew, PixelTableGetRun, PixelTableAddRun, PixelTableGetRuns, PixelTableGetDimensionality, PixelTableGetDimensions, PixelTableGetOrigin, PixelTableGetSize, PixelTableGetPixelCount, PixelTableGetOffsetAndLength