Get the feature description of a registered measurement feature
#include "dip_measurement.h"
dip_Error dip_MeasurementFeatureRegistryFeatureDescription ( featureID, description, resources )
This function obtains the feature description information of the measurement feature specified by featureID.
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_int | featureID | Measurement feature ID |
dip_FeatureDescription * | description | pointer to a dip_FeatureDescription structure containing descriptive information of the measurement feature. This data can be accessed with MeasurementFeatureDescription |
dip_Resources | resources | Resources tracking structure. See ResourcesNew |
Measure, MeasurementFeatureRegister, MeasurementFeatureRegistryList, MeasurementFeatureRegistryGet, MeasurementFeatureRegistryFeatureNeedsIntensityImage, MeasurementFeatureValid, MeasurementFeatureDescription, MeasurementObjectData, MeasurementObjectValue