Binary morphological erosion operation
#include "dip_binary.h"
dip_Error dip_BinaryErosion ( in, out, connectivity, iterations, edge )
The connectivity parameter defines the metric, that is, the shape of the structuring element. 1 indicates city-block metric, or a diamond-shaped structuring element. 2 indicates chessboard metric, or a square structuring element. -1 and -2 indicate alternating connectivity and produce an octagonal structuring element. See The connectivity parameter for more information. The edge parameter specifies whether the border of the image should be treated as object (DIP_TRUE) or as background (DIP_FALSE).
See section 9.6, "Morphology-based operations", in Fundamentals of Image Processing for a description of binary mathematical morphology operations.
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_Image | in | Input |
dip_Image | out | Output |
dip_int | connectivity | Connectivity |
dip_int | iterations | Iterations |
dip_Boolean | edge | Edge condition |
This function is only implemented for images with a dimension up to three.
BinaryDilation, BinaryClosing, BinaryOpening, BinaryPropagation