Enhance an image
#include "dip_derivatives.h"
dip_Error dip_Sharpen ( in, out, weight, bc, ps, sigmas, tc, flavour )
See Laplace
This function enhances the high frequencies ("sharpens") of the input image in by subtracting a Laplace filtered version of in from it. The weight parameter determines by which amount the laplace information is subtracted from the original: output = input - weight * laplace( input ) The sigmas are the Gaussian smoothing parameters of the Laplace operation, and determine how strongly the high-frequency noise in in is suppressed.
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_Image | in | Input image |
dip_Image | out | Output image |
dip_float | weight | Laplacian weight |
dip_BoundaryArray | boundary | Boundary conditions |
dip_BooleanArray | process (0) | Dimensions to process |
dip_FloatArray | sigmas | Sigma of Gaussian |
dip_float | truncation (<0) | Truncation of Gaussian, see GlobalGaussianTruncationGet |
dip_DerivativeFlavour | flavour | Derivative Flavour |