DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2015 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Detects local minima


#include "dip_filtering.h"

dip_Error dip_Minima ( in, mask, out, connectivity, booleanOutput )


integer, float


This function detects local minima.

The algorithm finds a connected set of pixels with identical value, an no neighbours with lower value. This set is a local minimum and its pixels are set to 1 in the output image. If booleanOutput is false, the output image is a labelled image.

This function differs from LocalMinima in that it marks every minimum. LocalMinima is able to filter out unimportant minima.

For images that have large plateaus (regions of constant value) that are not local minima, this function can be quite slow. For example, an image that is one everywhere except for a small valley somewhere. For such an image it is recommended to use the mask input, for example with the output of a threshold operation.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_ImageinInput image
dip_ImagemaskMask image
dip_ImageoutBinary output image
dip_BooleanbooleanOutputGive a binary output image?


If you are looking for the old version of Minima, it is still available through the following combination of commands:

   dip_Erosion( in, out, se, boundary, param, shape );
   dip_Equal( in, out, out );


Maxima, SubpixelMinima, LocalMinima, SeededWatershed, GrowRegions