DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2013 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Various macros


The include files dip_macros.h contains a number of useful macros.

Math macros

DIP_ABS( x )Absolute value of x
DIP_MAX( x, y )Maximum of x and y
DIP_MIN( x, y )Minimum of x and y
DIP_FUNC( funcName, suffix )Attaches the suffix to the function name, and puts and underscore in between.
DIP_SWAP( x, y, z )Swaps variables x and y, using temporary variable z. Must be followed by a trailing ";"

Macros for handling complex numbers:

DIP_REAL( x )Real part of complex number x
DIP_IMAGINARY( x )Imaginary part of complex number x
DIP_SQUARE_MODULUS( x )Square modulus of complex number x
DIP_MODULUS( x )Modulus of complex number x
DIP_PHASE( x )Phase of complex number x

Binary I/O macros

DIP_BINARY_MASK( mask, plane )Computes a binary mask from the plane value
DIP_BINARY_READ( in, mask )Returns the binary value from in
DIP_BINARY_WRITE( out, val, mask )Writes the value of val to out

Random access I/O macros:

DIP_PIXEL_GET( ip, pos, stride, value )
DIP_PIXEL_SET( ip, pos, stride, value )

get/set the value of the pixel at position pos from data pointer ip with strides stride. Both pos and stride are dip_IntegerArrays.

DIP_PIXEL_ADD( ip, pos, stride, value )
DIP_PIXEL_SUB( ip, pos, stride, value )
DIP_PIXEL_MUL( ip, pos, stride, value )
DIP_PIXEL_DIV( ip, pos, stride, value )

add/subtract/multlipy/divide the value with the pixel-value at position pos from data pointer ip with strides stride. Both pos and stride are dip_IntegerArrays.