DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2013 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Gets coordinates of local maxima with sub-pixel precision


#include "dip_analysis.h"

dip_Error dip_SubpixelMaxima ( in, mask, out_coord, out_val, method )


integer, float


Detects local maxima in the image, and returns their coordinates, with sub-pixel precision, in the output image out_coord. Only pixels where mask is on will be examined. Local maxima are detected using Maxima, then their position is determined accurately using SubpixelLocation. out_coord will have ndims pixels along the first dimension (ndims being the number of dimensions in in), and as many pixels along the second dimension as there are local maxima in in. Thus, each row of the image out_coord contains the coordinates of one local maximum. out_coord is always dip_float. out_val, when not 0, will contain the interpolated values of the image at the local maxima. out_val will have the same size and type as out_coord, except only one pixel along the first dimension.

A local maximum can not touch the edge of the image. That is, its integer location must be one pixel away from the edge.

See SubpixelLocation for the definition of the method parameter.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_ImageinInput grayscale image
dip_ImagemaskBinary mask for ROI processing
dip_Imageout_coordOutput coordinates, image will be N_dims x N_maxima
dip_Imageout_valOutput values, image will be 1 x N_maxima
dipf_SubpixelExtremumMethodmethodSub-pixel detection method


SubpixelMinima, SubpixelLocation, Maxima