DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2010 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.
Indexing Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- CoordinateToIndex
- Convert coordinate to pixel index
- dip__PixelGetFloat
- Midlevel PixelIO function
- dip__PixelGetInteger
- Midlevel PixelIO function
- dip__PixelSetFloat
- Midlevel PixelIO function
- dip__PixelSetInteger
- Midlevel PixelIO function
- Get
- Get a pixel value
- GetComplex
- Get complex pixel value
- GetFloat
- Get float pixel value
- GetInteger
- Get integer pixel value
- IndexToCoordinate
- Convert pixel index to coordinate
- IndexToCoordinateWithSingletons
- Convert pixel index to coordinate
- NeighbourIndicesListMake
- Get indices to direct neighbours
- NeighbourListMake
- Get list of direct neighbours
- NeighbourListMakeChamfer
- Get list of neighbours based on Chamfer metric
- NeighbourListMakeImage
- Get list of neighbours based on metric in image
- NeighbourListToIndices
- Get indices to neighbours
- Set
- the value of a pixel
- SetComplex
- Set a pixel value
- SetFloat
- Set a pixel value
- SetInteger
- Set a pixel value
DIPlib on-line documentation | Function reference | Global function index