DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2010 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.
Image Object Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- ChangeDataType
- Change the data type of an image
- ChangeDimensions
- Changes the order of the dimensions in an image
- ChangeTo0d
- Make an image zero dimensional
- HasNormalStride
- Determines whether an image has a normal stride
- ImageAssimilate
- Inherit properties of another image
- ImageCopyProperties
- Copy the properties of an image
- ImageForge
- Allocate pixel data for an image
- ImageFree
- Free an image
- ImageGetData
- Get the data pointers of a set of images
- ImageGetDataType
- Read the data type field
- ImageGetDimensionality
- Read the dimensionality field
- ImageGetDimensions
- Read the dimensions array
- ImageGetPlane
- Read the plane number
- ImageGetStride
- Read the stride array
- ImageGetType
- Read the type field
- ImageNew
- Allocate a structure
- ImagesCheck
- Check properties of several images
- ImagesCheckTwo
- Check properties of two images
- ImagesCompare
- Compare properties of several images
- ImagesCompareTwo
- Compare properties of two images
- ImageSetDataType
- Set the data type field
- ImageSetDimensions
- Set the dimensions array
- ImageSetType
- Set the image type field
- ImagesSeparate
- Take care of in-place operations
- ImageStrip
- Restore an image to its initial ("raw") state
DIPlib on-line documentation | Function reference | Global function index