Compute the pair correlation function
#include "dip_analysis.h"
dip_Error dip_PairCorrelation ( object, mask, dist, probes, length, sampling, covariance )
binary, integer
This function computes the pair correlation function of the different phases in object. If object is a binary image, the image is a regarded as a two phase image. In case object is of the integer type, the image is regarded as a labeled image, with each integer value encoding a phase. Optionally a mask image can be provided to select which pixels in object should be used to compute the pair correlation. The probes variable specifies how many random point pairs should be drawn to compute the function. Length specifies the maximum correlation length. The correlation function can be computed using a random (DIP_CORRELATION_ESTIMATOR_RANDOM) or grid method (DIP_CORRELATION_ESTIMATOR_GRID), as specified by sampling. Finally covariance determines whether only the correlations (DIP_FALSE) or the covarianances (DIP_TRUE) have to be computed.
Data type | Name | Description |
dip_Image | object | Object image |
dip_Image | mask | Mask image |
dip_Distribution | dist | Ouput distribution |
dip_int | probes | Number of probes |
dip_int | length | Maximum correlation Length |
dipf_CorrelationEstimator | sampling | Samplings method |
dip_Boolean | covariance | Compute covariance |
ChordLength, ProbabilisticPairCorrelation
DIPlib on-line documentation | Function reference | Global function index