DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2009 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Free resources


dip_Error dip_ResourcesFree( resources, flags )


Free all resources registers in the resource tracking structure, as well as the resource tracking structure itself. To prevent errors, the resource tracking structure is set to 0. Passing a null pointer instead of a pointer to a dip_Resources structure is allowed and silently ignored.


Data typeNameDescription
dip_Resources *resourcesThe tracking structure which was used to register the resources that must be freed. Note the double pointer, allowing this routine to set your pointer to 0
dipf_ResourcesFreeflagsWhen set to DIP_RMRF_DONT_FREE, dip_ResourcesFree only frees the dip_Resources structure itself, not the resources associated with it


ResourcesNew, ResourcesMerge, ResourceSubscribe, ResourceUnsubscribe

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