DIPlib Documentation - ©1995-2009 Quantitative Imaging Group, Delft University of Technology.


Morphological edge detector


#include "dip_morphology.h"

dip_Error dip_MultiScaleMorphologicalGradient ( in, out, se, boundary, upperSize, lowerSize, shape )


integer, float


This function computes the average morphological gradient over a range of scales bounded by upperSize and lowerSize. The morphological gradient is computed as the difference of the dilation and erosion of the input image at a particular scale, eroded by an erosion of one size smaller. At the lowest scale, the size of the structuring element is 2 * upperSize + 1.

The rectangular, elliptic and diamond structuring elements are "flat", i.e. these structuring elements have a constant value. For these structuring elements, filterParam determines the sizes of the structuring elements. When shape is set to DIP_FLT_SHAPE_PARABOLIC, filterParams specifies the curvature of the parabola. When shape is set to DIP_FLT_SHAPE_STRUCTURING_ELEMENT, se is used as structuring element. It can be either a binary or a grey-value image, but be careful: it is converted to the same data type as the input image, and might therefore be clipped or loose precision. It is required (in the current implementation) that the structuring element be odd in size. Its origin is the center.

If shape is not equal to DIP_FLT_SHAPE_STRUCTURING_ELEMENT, se is allowed to be set to zero. When shape is set to DIP_FLT_SHAPE_STRUCTURING_ELEMENT, filterParam is ignored, (and can be set to zero).


Data typeNameDescription
dip_ImageseStructuring element
dip_BoundaryArrayboundaryBoundary conditions
dip_intupperSizeUpper size of structuring element
dip_intlowerSizeLower size of structuring element
dip_FilterShapeshapeFilter shape

The enumerator dip_FilterShape contains the following constants:

DIP_FLT_SHAPE_DEFAULTdefault structuring element, same as DIP_FLT_SHAPE_RECTANGULAR
DIP_FLT_SHAPE_RECTANGULARrectangular structuring element
DIP_FLT_SHAPE_ELLIPTICelliptic structuring element
DIP_FLT_SHAPE_DIAMONDdiamond shaped structuring element
DIP_FLT_SHAPE_PARABOLICparabolic structuring element
DIP_FLT_SHAPE_STRUCTURING_ELEMENTuse se as structuring element


D. Wang, Pattern Recognition, 30(12), pp. 2043-2052, 1997


Lee, MorphologicalGradientMagnitude, MorphologicalRange, Tophat

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